Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Whoops! A Belated Birthday Thank You

Source: Pinterest
If I were going to throw a party for you all, it would look something like this.

Today I was looking over my blog and realized that last week Lark & Bloom turned one!  I just want to thank you for reading. The interesting thing is, I started this blog as a way to keep up with my friends who are located all around the globe. However, I am pretty sure that very few of my close friends actually read my blog. Ha! 

What has been the biggest blessing of this blog is meeting new friends. I have loved getting to share my life and thoughts with those of you I never would have met otherwise. Your words of encouragement and funny comments mean more to me than you know. 

Thanks so much for reading and sharing life with me. I love you all! 



  1. love reading your blog -- happy birthday lark and bloom! whether i agree 100% or not, i always love reading your perspective. i enjoy your transparency and honesty... and usually it inspires me to be more of both! thank you.

  2. Thanks so much Stephanie! By the way, I saw our Italian professor at Barnes & Noble the other day!

  3. she was, um, so interesting. i tried explaining her to someone once, and words didn't do it justice. :)
